Source code for opthandler

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022  All authors listed in the file AUTHORS.rst

Python functions to parse and handle command-line and config-file

# Standard libraries
import configparser
import copy
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys

if sys.version_info.major < 3 or sys.version_info.minor < 8:
    # shlex.join was introduced in version 3.8
    raise SystemError(
        "The minimum required Python version is 3.8 but you have"
        " {}".format(sys.version)

[docs]def configparser2dict( config, sections=None, create_missing_secs=False, convert=False, **kwargs ): """ Create a dictionary from a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`. Parameters ---------- config : configparser.ConfigParser The :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` instance from which to create the dictionary. sections : iterable or str or None, optional The sections of `config` to use for creating the dictionary. If ``None``, use all sections. create_missing_secs : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if a given section is not contained in `config` but instead create a key for this section that holds as value an empty sub-dictionary. convert : bool, optional If ``True``, apply :func:`convert_str` to the **values** of the returned dictionary. This will convert strings to their corresponding Python data types. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to parse to :func:`convert_str`. Returns ------- options : dict of dict A dictionary containing the entries of the input :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` as a dictionary of dictionaries. Every section name becomes a key that holds as value a sub-dictionary with the options as keys and the option values as values. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import configparser2dict >>> import configparser >>> config = configparser.ConfigParser() >>> config['Monty'] = {'spam': 'no!', 'eggs': '2'} >>> config['Python'] = {'foo': 'fighter', 'bar': 'baz'} >>> configparser2dict(config) {'Monty': {'spam': 'no!', 'eggs': '2'}, \ 'Python': {'foo': 'fighter', 'bar': 'baz'}} """ if sections is None: sections = config.sections() elif isinstance(sections, str): sections = (sections,) options = {} for sec in sections: if not config.has_section(sec) and create_missing_secs: options[sec] = {} continue if convert: options[sec] = { k: convert_str(v, **kwargs) for k, v in config.items(sec) } else: options[sec] = dict(config[sec]) return options
[docs]def configparser_check_options( config, known_options, sections=None, skip_missing_sec=False, case_sensitive=True, hyphens_are_underscores=False, ): """ Check if the options of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` are contained in a list of known options. Parameters ---------- config : configparser.ConfigParser The :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` instance whose options should be checked. known_options : iterable The list of known options. Note that the options of all given `sections` are checked against this list of known options. sections : iterable or str or None, optional The sections of `config` whose options should be checked. If ``None``, check all sections. skip_missing_sec : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if a given section is not contained in `config` but instead simply skip this section. case_sensitive : bool, optional If ``True``, respect the case (upper, lower, mixed) when comparing the options in `config` with the options in `known_options`. hyphens_are_underscores : bool, optional If ``True``, don't distinguish between hyphens (``'-'``) and underscores (``'_'``). Raises ------ KeyError If any section of `config` contains options that are not contained in `known_options`. """ if not case_sensitive: known_options = (opt.lower() for opt in known_options) if hyphens_are_underscores: known_options = (opt.replace("-", "_") for opt in known_options) # `known_options` must not be a generator, because it might be # iterated multiple times. known_options = set(known_options) if sections is None: sections = config.sections() elif isinstance(sections, str): sections = (sections,) for sec in sections: if not config.has_section(sec) and skip_missing_sec: continue if not case_sensitive: options = (opt.lower() for opt in config.options(sec)) if hyphens_are_underscores: options = (opt.replace("-", "_") for opt in config.options(sec)) else: options = config.options(sec) if not set(options).issubset(known_options): raise KeyError( "The section '{}' contains unknown options:" " {}".format(sec, set(options).difference(known_options)) )
[docs]def conv_argparse_opts(args, converter): """ Convert the option names in an :class:`argparse.Namespace`. Parameters ---------- args: argparse.Namespace The :class:`~argparse.Namespace` whose option names should be converted. converter : callable A callable that defines the conversion. Must take a single string as argument. Returns ------- args_converted : argparse.Namespace The input :class:`~argparse.Namespace` with converted option names. See Also -------- :func:`conv_configparser_opts` : Convert the option names of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import conv_argparse_opts >>> import argparse >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() >>> action = parser.add_argument('--spam', type=int) >>> action = parser.add_argument('--EGGS', type=int) >>> action = parser.add_argument('--FOO-bar', type=str) >>> args = parser.parse_args( ... ['--spam', '0', '--EGGS', '2', '--FOO-bar', 'baz'] ... ) >>> sorted(vars(args).items()) [('EGGS', 2), ('FOO_bar', 'baz'), ('spam', 0)] >>> args = conv_argparse_opts(args, str.lower) >>> sorted(vars(args).items()) [('eggs', 2), ('foo_bar', 'baz'), ('spam', 0)] """ # `args` cannot be changed in-place, otherwise you get # "RuntimeError: dictionary keys changed during iteration" args_converted = copy.deepcopy(args) for key, val in vars(args).items(): delattr(args_converted, key) setattr(args_converted, converter(key), val) return args_converted
[docs]def conv_configparser_opts( config, converter, sections=None, skip_missing_sec=False ): """ Convert the option names of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`. Parameters ---------- config: configparser.ConfigParser The :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` whose option names should be converted. converter : callable A callable that defines the conversion. Must take a single string as argument. sections : iterable or str or None, optional The sections of `config` whose option names should be converted. If ``None``, convert the option names in all sections. skip_missing_sec : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if a given section is not contained in `config` but instead simply skip this section. Returns ------- config_converted : configparser.ConfigParser The input :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` with converted option names. See Also -------- :func:`conv_configparser_vals` : Convert the values of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` :func:`conv_argparse_opts` : Convert the option names in an :class:`argparse.Namespace` Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import conv_configparser_opts >>> import configparser >>> config = configparser.ConfigParser() >>> config["Monty"] = {'spam': 'no!', 'eggs': '2'} >>> config["Python"] = {'foo': 'fighter', 'bar': 'baz'} >>> for sec in config.sections(): ... print(sec) ... for opt, val in config.items(sec): ... print(opt, val) Monty spam no! eggs 2 Python foo fighter bar baz >>> config = conv_configparser_opts(config, converter=str.upper) >>> for sec in config.sections(): ... print(sec) ... for opt, val in config.items(sec): ... print(opt, val) Monty SPAM no! EGGS 2 Python FOO fighter BAR baz """ config_converted = copy.deepcopy(config) config_converted.optionxform = str if sections is None: sections = config.sections() elif isinstance(sections, str): sections = (sections,) for sec in sections: if not config.has_section(sec) and skip_missing_sec: continue for opt, val in config.items(sec): config_converted.remove_option(sec, opt) config_converted.set(sec, converter(opt), val) return config_converted
[docs]def conv_configparser_vals( config, converter, sections=None, skip_missing_sec=False ): """ Convert the values of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`. Parameters ---------- config: configparser.ConfigParser The :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` whose values should be converted. converter : callable A callable that defines the conversion. Must take a single string as argument. sections : iterable or str or None, optional The sections of `config` whose option names should be converted. If ``None``, convert the option names in all sections. skip_missing_sec : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if a given section is not contained in `config` but instead simply skip this section. Returns ------- config_converted : configparser.ConfigParser The input :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` with converted option names. See Also -------- :func:`conv_configparser_opts` : Convert the option names of a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import conv_configparser_vals >>> import configparser >>> config = configparser.ConfigParser() >>> config["Monty"] = {'spam': 'no!', 'eggs': '2'} >>> config["Python"] = {'foo': 'fighter', 'bar': 'baz'} >>> for sec in config.sections(): ... print(sec) ... for opt, val in config.items(sec): ... print(opt, val) Monty spam no! eggs 2 Python foo fighter bar baz >>> config = conv_configparser_vals(config, converter=str.upper) >>> for sec in config.sections(): ... print(sec) ... for opt, val in config.items(sec): ... print(opt, val) Monty spam NO! eggs 2 Python foo FIGHTER bar BAZ """ config_converted = copy.deepcopy(config) if sections is None: sections = config.sections() elif isinstance(sections, str): sections = (sections,) for sec in sections: if not config.has_section(sec) and skip_missing_sec: continue for opt, val in config.items(sec): config_converted[sec][opt] = converter(val) return config_converted
[docs]def convert_str( s, strip=True, case_sensitive=False, empty_none=False, extended_bool=False, bool_01=False, ): """ Convert the input to its corresponding type. Convert the input to NoneType, boolean, integer or float depending on its content. If a conversion in the aforementioned types is not possible, the input is returned as is. Parameters ---------- s : str_like The input. Can be anything that can be converted to a string. strip : bool, optional Whether to strip leading and trailing spaces before processing the input string. case_sensitive : bool, optional Whether to be case sensitive. If ``True``, only upper case strings are convertet to their corresponding types. empty_none : bool, optional If ``True``, convert the empty string ``''`` to the NoneType ``None``. extended_bool : bool, optional If ``True``, also convert ``'Yes'``/``'No'`` and ``'On'``/``'Off'`` to ``True``/``False``. bool_01 : bool, optional If ``True``, also convert ``0``/``1`` to ``True``/``False``. Returns ------- result : None or bool or int or float or str The converted string or the input as is. See Also -------- :func:`str2none` : Convert the string ``'None'`` to the NoneType ``None`` Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import convert_str Conversion to NoneType ``None``: >>> convert_str('None') # Returns None >>> convert_str('none') # Returns None >>> convert_str('none', case_sensitive=True) 'none' >>> convert_str('') '' >>> convert_str('', empty_none=True) # Returns None Conversion to boolean ``True``: >>> convert_str('True') True >>> convert_str('true') True >>> convert_str('true', case_sensitive=True) 'true' >>> convert_str('Yes') 'Yes' >>> convert_str('Yes', extended_bool=True) True >>> convert_str('yes', extended_bool=True) True >>> convert_str('yes', extended_bool=True, case_sensitive=True) 'yes' >>> convert_str('On') 'On' >>> convert_str('On', extended_bool=True) True >>> convert_str('on', extended_bool=True) True >>> convert_str('on', extended_bool=True, case_sensitive=True) 'on' >>> convert_str('1') 1 >>> convert_str('1', bool_01=True) True Conversion to boolean ``False``: >>> convert_str('False') False >>> convert_str('false') False >>> convert_str('false', case_sensitive=True) 'false' >>> convert_str('No') 'No' >>> convert_str('No', extended_bool=True) False >>> convert_str('no', extended_bool=True) False >>> convert_str('no', extended_bool=True, case_sensitive=True) 'no' >>> convert_str('Off') 'Off' >>> convert_str('Off', extended_bool=True) False >>> convert_str('off', extended_bool=True) False >>> convert_str('off', extended_bool=True, case_sensitive=True) 'off' >>> convert_str('0') 0 >>> convert_str('0', bool_01=True) False Conversion to integer: >>> convert_str('123') 123 >>> convert_str(' 123 ') # Regardless if strip is True or False 123 >>> convert_str('a123') 'a123' Conversion to float: >>> convert_str('123.456') 123.456 >>> convert_str(' 123.456 ') # Regardless if strip is True or False 123.456 >>> convert_str('a123.456') 'a123.456' No conversion (input returned as is): >>> # strip has no effect if no conversion takes place. >>> convert_str(' a string ', strip=False) ' a string ' >>> convert_str(' a string ', strip=True) ' a string ' >>> # case_sensitive has no effect if no conversion takes place. >>> convert_str('A sTrInG', case_sensitive=False) 'A sTrInG' >>> convert_str('A sTrInG', case_sensitive=True) 'A sTrInG' """ input_str = str(s) if strip: input_str = input_str.strip() eval_none = ["None"] eval_true = ["True"] eval_false = ["False"] if empty_none: eval_none += [""] if extended_bool: eval_true += ["Yes", "On"] eval_false += ["No", "Off"] if bool_01: eval_true += ["1"] eval_false += ["0"] if not case_sensitive: input_str = input_str.lower() eval_none = [item.lower() for item in eval_none] eval_true = [item.lower() for item in eval_true] eval_false = [item.lower() for item in eval_false] if input_str in eval_none: return None elif input_str in eval_true: return True elif input_str in eval_false: return False else: try: return int(input_str) except ValueError: try: return float(input_str) except ValueError: return s
[docs]def get_opts( argparser, conf_file="hpcssrc.ini", secs_known=None, secs_unknown="sbatch", create_missing_secs=True, ignore_unknown_opts=True, convert=True, **kwargs, ): """ Gather all options from command line and |config_file|. Gather all options given via the command-line interface and via a config file, merge them and return them in one dictionary. Options explicitly given via the command-line interface take precedence over options specified in the config file. Options specified in the config file take precedence over default values of the command-line interface. Parameters ---------- argparser : argparse.ArgumentParser The :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` instance that implements the command-line interface. Note: All possible command-line arguments must be contained in the :class:`~argparse.Namespace`, i.e. not-given arguments must not be suppressed with :attr:`argparse.SUPPRESS`. conf_file : str, optional The name of the |config_file|. secs_known : list or tuple or str or None, optional Sections of the config file that contain options that can also be specified via the command-line interface ("known" to `argparser`). If ``None``, use all sections. The options of all known sections will be merged into one sub-dictionary. Options that are given in multiple sections take precedence over each other in reverse order as they appear in `secs_known`. This means, options in the last given section have the highest preference and options in the first given section have the lowest preference. secs_unknown : list or tuple or str or None, optional Sections of the config file that contain options that cannot be specified via the command-line interface ("unknown" to `argparser`), but that should still be parsed to the calling script. If you don't have such sections, set `secs_unknown` to ``None``. The options of all unknown sections will be merged into one sub-dictionary. Options that are given in multiple sections take precedence over each other in reverse order as they appear in `secs_unknown` (see `secs_known`). create_missing_secs : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if a given section is not contained in the config file but instead create the section (and leave it empty). ignore_unknown_opts : bool, optional If ``True``, don't raise an exception if any option in the given known sections (`secs_known`) is unknown to `argparser`, but instead simply ignore it. convert : bool, optional If ``True``, apply :func:`convert_str` to the values of all config-file options and all unknown options. This will convert strings to their corresponding Python data types. If ``False``, all config-file options and all unknown options will be parsed as strings. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to parse to :func:`convert_str`. Returns ------- options : dict of dict A dictionary of two dictionaries. The first key (given by the first known section in `sections`) contains as value a sub-dictionary of all known options and their respective values. The second key (given by `sec_unknown`) contains as value a dictionary of all unknown options and their respective values. See Also -------- :meth:`argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_known_args` : Get known and unknown options from the command-line interface Notes ----- Known options Options that can also be parsed via the command-line interface (i.e. options that are known to the input :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`). Unknown options Options that are not contained in the :class:`~argparse.Namespace` of the input :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser` (i.e. options that are unknown to the input :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`). """ config = read_config(conf_file) if secs_known is None: secs_known = config.sections() elif isinstance(secs_known, str): secs_known = (secs_known,) else: secs_known = tuple(secs_known) if len(secs_known) != len(set(secs_known)): raise ValueError("'secs_known' contains duplicate sections") if isinstance(secs_unknown, str): secs_unknown = (secs_unknown,) elif secs_unknown is not None: secs_unknown = tuple(secs_unknown) if secs_unknown is not None: if len(secs_unknown) != len(set(secs_unknown)): raise ValueError("'secs_unknown' contains duplicate sections") if not set(secs_known).isdisjoint(secs_unknown): raise ValueError( "'secs_known' and 'secs_unknown' share same sections:" " {}".format(set(secs_known).intersection(secs_unknown)) ) # Convert hyphens in known config-file option names to underscores # to be consistent with argparse option names. config = conv_configparser_opts( config, converter=lambda s: str.replace(s, "-", "_"), sections=secs_known, skip_missing_sec=create_missing_secs, ) # Convert configparser.ConfigParser to dictionary. options = configparser2dict( config=config, sections=secs_known + secs_unknown, create_missing_secs=create_missing_secs, convert=convert, **kwargs, ) # Overwrite top-level config-file options with lower-level options. sec_known = secs_known[0] for sec in secs_known[:0:-1]: options[sec_known].update(options[sec]) options.pop(sec) if secs_unknown is not None: sec_unknown = secs_unknown[0] for sec in secs_unknown[:0:-1]: options[sec_unknown].update(options[sec]) options.pop(sec) # Overwrite default (known) command-line options with (known) # config-file options. # NOTE: `argparser.set_defaults` does not check the parsed options # for validity. It even does not check whether the parsed options # are allowed (known) or not (unknown). argparser.set_defaults(**options[sec_known]) # Get all command-line options and convert them to dictionaries. args_known, args_unknown = argparser.parse_known_args() args_known = vars(args_known) args_unknown = optlist2dict(args_unknown, convert=convert, **kwargs) # Parse `args_known` again to check the options for validity, # because `argparser.set_defaults` does not check for validity. args = { k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in args_known.items() if v not in (None, True, False, "") } if ignore_unknown_opts: # Ignore unknown options in `options[sec_known]` that were # parsed to `argparser.set_defaults`. Note however, that # `args_known` still contains these unknown options. argparser.parse_known_args(optdict2list(args)) else: # Raise exception if `options[sec_known]` contains unknown # options that were parsed to `argparser.set_defaults`. argparser.parse_args(optdict2list(args)) # Overwrite known config-file options with known command-line # options. options[sec_known] = args_known # Overwrite unknown config-file options with unknown command-line # options. if secs_unknown is not None: options[sec_unknown].update(args_unknown) else: options["unknown"] = args_unknown return options
[docs]def optdict2list( optdict, convert_to_str=True, convert_from_str=False, skiped_opts=None, dumped_vals=None, **kwargs, ): """ Convert an option dictionary to an option list. Parameters ---------- optdict : dict The option dictionary that should be converted to an option list. convert_to_str: bool, optional If ``True``, convert the **values** of the input dictionary to strings. convert_from_str : bool, optional If ``True``, apply :func:`convert_str` on the **values** of the input dictionary. This will convert strings to their corresponding Python data types. Must not be used together with `convert_to_str`. skiped_opts : list or tuple or None, optional If not ``None``, skip key-value pairs of the input dictionary whose value is contained in `skiped_opts`. dumped_vals : list or tuple or None, optional If not ``None``, don't include the given values of the input dictionary in the returned option list. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to parse to :func:`convert_str`. Returns ------- optlist : list The resulting option list. Each key of `optdict` is prefixed with either a single hyphen (``'-'``) or two hyphens, depending on whether the key consists of a single character or multiple characters. See Also -------- :func:`optdict2str` : Convert an option dictionary to an option string :func:`optlist2dict` : Convert an option list to an option dictionary Notes ----- If `convert_to_str` or `convert_from_str` is ``True``, `skiped_opts` and `dumped_vals` will be compared to the converted values. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import optdict2list >>> optdict2list({'a': 0, 'Bc': 'xY'}) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', 'xY'] >>> optdict2list({' a': 0, ' Bc ': 'xY '}) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', 'xY'] >>> optdict2list({' a': 0, ' Bc ': 'xY '}, convert_to_str=False) ['-a', 0, '--Bc', 'xY '] >>> optdict2list({'a': 0, 'Bc': 'xY Ab'}) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', 'xY Ab'] >>> optdict2list({'a': 0, 'Bc': '', 'xy': 'z'}) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', '--xy', 'z'] >>> optdict2list( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=('None', 'False'), ... ) ['-a', '0'] >>> optdict2list( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=(None, False), ... ) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', 'None', '--xy', 'False'] >>> # 0 is False, 1 is True >>> optdict2list( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=(None, False), ... convert_to_str=False, ... ) [] >>> optdict2list( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=('None', 'False'), ... convert_to_str=False, ... ) ['-a', 0, '--Bc', None, '--xy', False] >>> optdict2list( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': True}, ... dumped_vals=('None', 'True'), ... ) ['-a', '0', '--Bc', '--xy'] """ if convert_to_str and convert_from_str: raise ValueError( "'convert_from_str' must not be used together with" " 'convert_to_str'" ) optlist = [] for opt, val in optdict.items(): opt = str(opt).strip() if convert_from_str: val = convert_str(val, **kwargs) elif convert_to_str: val = str(val).strip() if skiped_opts is not None and val in skiped_opts: continue if dumped_vals is not None and val in dumped_vals: val = "" if len(opt) == 1: optlist.append("-" + opt) elif len(opt) > 1: optlist.append("--" + opt) # else: len(opt) == 0 => `val` is position argument. if isinstance(val, str) and len(val) == 0: continue optlist.append(val) return optlist
[docs]def optdict2str(optdict, skiped_opts=None, dumped_vals=None): """ Convert an option dictionary to an option string. Parameters ---------- optdict : dict The option dictionary that should be converted to an option list. skiped_opts : list or tuple or None, optional If not ``None``, skip key-value pairs of the input dictionary whose value is contained in `skiped_opts`. dumped_vals : list or tuple or None, optional If not ``None``, don't include the given values of the input dictionary in the returned option list. Returns ------- optstr : str The resulting option string. Each key of `optdict` is prefixed with either a single hyphen (``'-'``) or two hyphens, depending on whether the key consists of a single character or multiple characters. See Also -------- :func:`optdict2list` : Convert an option dictionary to an option list :func:`shlex.join` : Convert an option list to an option string Notes ----- This function simply applies :func:`shlex.join` on the output of :func:`optdict2list`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import optdict2str >>> optdict2str({'a': 0, 'Bc': 'xY'}) '-a 0 --Bc xY' >>> optdict2str({' a': 0, ' Bc ': 'xY '}) '-a 0 --Bc xY' >>> optdict2str({'a': 0, 'Bc': 'xY Ab'}) "-a 0 --Bc 'xY Ab'" >>> optdict2str({'a': 0, 'Bc': '', 'xy': 'z'}) '-a 0 --Bc --xy z' >>> optdict2str( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=('None', 'False'), ... ) '-a 0' >>> optdict2str( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': False}, ... skiped_opts=(None, False), ... ) '-a 0 --Bc None --xy False' >>> optdict2str( ... {'a': 0, 'Bc': None, 'xy': True}, ... dumped_vals=('None', 'True'), ... ) '-a 0 --Bc --xy' """ return shlex.join( optdict2list(optdict, skiped_opts=skiped_opts, dumped_vals=dumped_vals) )
[docs]def optlist2dict(optlist, convert=False, **kwargs): """ Convert an option list to an option dictionary. Parameters ---------- optlist : iterable The option list that should be converted to an option dictionary. Each option must start with a hyphen (``'-'``) and must be a separate item of the list. Multiple values for the same option might be given as separate list items or one single list item. convert : bool, optional If ``True``, apply :func:`convert_str` on the **values** of the returned option dictionary. This will convert strings to their corresponding Python data types. kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to parse to :func:`convert_str`. Returns ------- optdict : dict The resulting option dictionary. Each item of `optlist` that starts with ``'-'`` becomes a key in `optdict`. All following items that don't start with ``'-'`` become the value of that key. See Also -------- :func:`shlex.join` : Convert an option list to an option string :func:`optdict2list` : Convert an option dictionary to an option list Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import optlist2dict >>> optlist2dict(['-a', '0', '-b', '1']) {'a': '0', 'b': '1'} >>> optlist2dict([' -a', ' 0 ', ' -b ', '1 ']) {'a': '0', 'b': '1'} >>> optlist2dict(['-a', '0', '-B', 'XyZ']) {'a': '0', 'B': 'XyZ'} >>> optlist2dict(['--ax', '0x', '---bxy', '1xy']) {'ax': '0x', 'bxy': '1xy'} >>> optlist2dict(['-a', '0', '-b', '1', '2']) {'a': '0', 'b': '1 2'} >>> optlist2dict(['-a', '0', '-b', '1 2']) {'a': '0', 'b': '1 2'} >>> optlist2dict(['-a', '0', '-b', '-c', '2']) {'a': '0', 'b': '', 'c': '2'} >>> optlist2dict(['arg1', 'arg2', '-b', '1']) {'': 'arg1 arg2', 'b': '1'} >>> optlist2dict([]) {} Wrong input: >>> optlist2dict(['-a 0', '-b 1']) {'a 0': '', 'b 1': ''} """ optdict = {} last_flag = "" for opt in optlist: opt = str(opt).strip() if opt.startswith("-"): opt = opt.lstrip("-") optdict[opt] = "" last_flag = opt else: optdict[last_flag] = optdict.pop(last_flag, "") + " " + opt if convert: optdict = { k.strip(): convert_str(v.strip(), **kwargs) for k, v in optdict.items() } else: optdict = {k.strip(): v.strip() for k, v in optdict.items()} return optdict
[docs]def posargs2str(posargs, prec=3): """ Convert a list of positional arguments to a string. Parameters ---------- posargs : iterable The list of positional arguments. prec : int, optional The number of decimal places to use for floating point numbers. Returns ------- posargs : str The positional arguments as string. Notes ----- This function is meant to generate a string of positional arguments that can be parsed to the Slurm job scripts of this project. ``True``/``False`` are converted to ``'1'``/``'0'``. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import posargs2str >>> posargs = ["in", "out", 0, 12.345, 12.344, True, "arg1 arg2"] >>> posargs2str(posargs, prec=2) "in out 0 12.35 12.34 1 'arg1 arg2'" """ # Set a fixed number of decimal points for floats. posargs = ( "{:.{p}f}".format(arg, p=prec) if isinstance(arg, float) else arg for arg in posargs ) # Convert `True` to 1 and `False` to 0. posargs = (int(arg) if isinstance(arg, bool) else arg for arg in posargs) return shlex.join(str(arg) for arg in posargs)
[docs]def read_config(conf_file="hpcssrc.ini"): """ Search and read options from a |config_file|. Parameters ---------- conf_file : str, optional The name of the |config_file|. The config file must be written in `INI language`_ as supported by the built-in :mod:`configparser` Python module. .. _INI language: Returns ------- config : configparser.ConfigParser A :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` instance containing the configuration read from the first found config file. If no config file was found, an empty :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` is returned. Notes ----- This function searches for the config file in the following order at the following locations: 1. At the location given by `conf_file`. If this is a relative path, it is interpreted relative to the current working directory. 2. At :file:`${HOME}/.hpcss/hpcssrc.ini` (where :file:`${HOME}` is the user's home directory). 3. In the root directory of the hpc_submit_scripts repository. As soon as a config file is found, this config file is read and other locations are not scanned anymore. If no config file is found at all, this function returns an empty :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`. Note that :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` instances always store options and their values as strings. However, unlike the default :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`, the returned :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser` reads option names case-sensitively. Moreover, section names are case-insensitive and leading and trailing spaces are removed. """ # noqa: W505,E501 config = configparser.ConfigParser(converters={"none": str2none}) # Remove leading and trailing spaces from section headers and ignore # the case of sections. config.SECTCRE = re.compile(r"\[ *(?P<header>[^]]+?) *\]", re.IGNORECASE) # Make option names case-sensitive. config.optionxform = str home = os.path.expanduser("~") file_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) project_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(file_root, "../")) if os.path.isfile(conf_file): elif os.path.isfile(home + "/.hpcss/" + conf_file): + "/.hpcss/" + conf_file) elif os.path.isfile(project_root + "/" + conf_file): + "/" + conf_file) # Check if `project_root` is indeed the root directory of this # project. if not os.path.isfile(project_root + "/" + "LICENSE.txt"): raise FileExistsError( "Could not find the root directory of the hpc_submit_scripts" " project. This might happen if you change the directory" " structure of this project" ) return config
[docs]def rm_option(cmd, option): """ Remove an option from a command string. Parameters ---------- cmd : str The command from which to remove the given option(s). option : str or list or tuple The option(s) to remove. Returns ------- cmd_new : str The command without the given option(s). Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import rm_option >>> cmd = '--job-name=Test -o out.log --dependency afterok:12 -c 4' >>> options = ('--dependency', '-d') >>> rm_option(cmd, options) '--job-name=Test -o out.log -c 4' >>> cmd = '--job-name=Test -o out.log --dependency=afterok:12 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, options) '--job-name=Test -o out.log -c 4' >>> cmd = '--job-name=Test -o out.log -d afterok:12 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, options) '--job-name=Test -o out.log -c 4' >>> cmd = '--job-name=Test -o out.log -d=afterok:12 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, options) '--job-name=Test -o out.log -c 4' >>> cmd = '-o out.log --dependency afterok:12 -d afterok:14 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, options) '-o out.log -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, '--dependency') '-o out.log -d afterok:14 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, '--dep') '-o out.log -d afterok:14 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, '-d') '-o out.log --dependency afterok:12 -c 4' >>> cmd = '-o out.log -d afterok:12 -n 2 -d afterok:14 -c 4' >>> rm_option(cmd, '-d') '-o out.log -n 2 -c 4' """ if isinstance(option, (list, tuple)): for opt in option: cmd = rm_option(cmd, opt) elif option in cmd: cmd_list = shlex.split(cmd) opt_ix = [ ix for ix, o in enumerate(cmd_list) if o.startswith(option.strip()) ] # Remove in reverse order so that indices in `opt_ix` stay valid for ix in opt_ix[::-1]: # Remove the option. popped = cmd_list.pop(ix) # NOTE: `shlex.split` does not split at "=" but at spaces. if "=" not in popped: # Remove the corresponding option value. cmd_list.pop(ix) cmd = " ".join(cmd_list) return cmd
[docs]def str2none(s, case_sensitive=False, empty_none=False): """ Convert the string ``'None'`` to the NoneType ``None``. If the input is ``'None'``, convert it to the NoneType ``None``, else raise a :exc:`ValueError`. Parameters ---------- s : str_like The input. Can be anything that can be converted to a string. case_sensitive : bool, optional If ``False``, also convert the lower case string ``'none'`` to the NoneType ``None``. empty_none : bool, optional If ``True``, also convert the empty string ``''`` to the NoneType ``None``. Returns ------- converted_string : None Returns the NoneType ``None`` if the input was ``'None'`` or convertible to ``'None'``. Raises ------ ValueError If the input string was not ``'None'``. See Also -------- :func:`convert_str` : Convert a string to its corresponding type Notes ----- This function was written as converter for a :class:`~configparser.ConfigParser`. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from opthandler import str2none >>> str2none(None) # Returns None >>> str2none('None') # Returns None >>> str2none('none') # Returns None >>> str2none('none', case_sensitive=True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Input cannot be convertet to NoneType >>> str2none('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Input cannot be convertet to NoneType >>> str2none('', empty_none=True) # Returns None >>> str2none(2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Input cannot be convertet to NoneType """ s = str(s) if ( (case_sensitive and s == "None") or (not case_sensitive and s.lower() == "none") or (empty_none and s == "") ): return None else: raise ValueError("Input cannot be convertet to NoneType")