Source code for gmx

# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021, 2022  All authors listed in the file AUTHORS.rst

Python functions related to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations
performed with |Gromacs|.

# Standard libraries
import bz2
import gzip
import lzma
import os

[docs] def get_box_from_gro(fname): """ Extract the simulation box dimensions from a |gro_file|. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the |gro_file|. Returns ------- box : list A list containing the simulation box dimensions read from the last line of the input file. """ # noqa: W505,E501 box = tail(fname, 1)[0].split() box = [float(b) for b in box] return box
[docs] def get_compressed_file(fname): """ Check if the input file or a compressed version of it exsists. Check if the input file exsists. If it does not exist, check whether a file with the same name but with one of the following extensions exsists: 1. .gz 2. .bz2 3. .xz 4. .lzma Files are checked in the given order. The name of the first file found will be returned. If none of the files exsists, an exception is raised. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the input file. Returns ------- found_file : str or bytes Name of the first file found. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError : If neither the input file itself nor the input file with one of the above mentioned extensions exists. """ fname = os.fspath(fname) formats = ["", ".gz", ".bz2", ".xz", ".lzma"] if isinstance(fname, bytes): formats = [fmt.encode() for fmt in formats] files = [fname + fmt for fmt in formats] for file in files: if os.path.isfile(file): return file raise FileNotFoundError("No such files: '{}'".format("' '".join(files)))
[docs] def get_last_time_from_log(fname): """ Extract the time of the last frame of an |Gromacs| MD simulation from the |log_file|. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the |log_file|. Returns ------- time : float The time of the last frame in the |log_file|. """ # noqa: W505,E501 lines = tail(fname, 300) line_prev = "" for line in lines[::-1]: if "Step" in line and "Time" in line: step, time = line_prev.split() return float(time) line_prev = line
[docs] def get_nbins(fname, binwidth): """ Get the number of bins. Determine the number of bins to use to divide the z dimension of the simulation box stored in the provided |gro_file| in bins of the given bin width. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the |gro_file| that holds the box dimensions. binwidth : float The desired bin width. Returns ------- num_bins : int The number of bins required to divide the simulation box in bins of the given width. """ box_z = get_box_from_gro(fname)[2] return round(box_z / binwidth)
[docs] def get_nsteps_from_mdp(fname): """ Extract the maximum number of simulation steps of an |Gromacs| MD simulation from the |mdp_file|. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the |mdp_file|. Returns ------- nsteps : int Maximum number of simulation steps specified in the |mdp_file|. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the input file does not exist. ValueError If the input file does not contain a line that starts with "nsteps" or if "nsteps" is not followed by an equal (=) sign. """ # noqa: W505,E501 with xopen(fname, "r") as file: found_nsteps = False for i, line in enumerate(file): line = line.strip() if line.startswith("nsteps"): found_nsteps = True line_nsteps = line line_num = i + 1 # nsteps can be defined multiple times in an .mdp file. # From # # noqa: W505,E501 # "The ordering of the items is not important, but if # you enter the same thing twice, the last is used." # => Do not break the loop after the first occurence of # 'nsteps'. if not found_nsteps: raise ValueError( "Could not fine a line in file '{}' that starts with" " 'nsteps'".format(fname) ) if "=" not in line_nsteps: raise ValueError( "Line {} in file '{}' starts with 'nsteps' but does not contain an" " equal (=) sign".format(line_num, fname) ) nsteps = line_nsteps.split("=")[1] nsteps = nsteps.split(";")[0] # Remove potential comments return int(nsteps)
[docs] def tail(fname, n): """ Read the last n lines from a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the input file. n : int The number of lines to read from the end of the input file. Returns ------- lines : list List containing the last `n` lines of the input file. Each list item represents one line of the file. """ lines = [] if n <= 0: return lines # Step width to move the cursor (emprical value giving best # performance). step_width = max(10 * n, 1) with xopen(fname, "r") as file:, 2) # Set cursor to end of file. pos = file.tell() # Get current cursor position. # n+1 required to get the entire n-th line and not just its # ending. while len(lines) < n + 1: pos -= min(step_width, pos), 0) # Move cursor backwards. lines = file.readlines() if pos == 0: # Reached start of file. break return lines[-n:]
[docs] def xopen(fname, mode="rt", fformat=None, **kwargs): """ Open a (compressed) file and return a corresponding `file-like_object <>`__. This function is a replacement for the built-in :func:`open` function that can additionally read and write compressed files. Supported compression formats: * gzip (.gz) * bzip2 (.bz2) * XZ/LZMA2 (.xz) * LZMA (.lzma) Parameters ---------- fname : str or bytes or os.PathLike Name of the file to open. mode : {'r', 'rt', 'rb', 'w', 'wt', 'wb', 'x', 'xt', 'xb', 'a', \ 'at', 'ab'}, optional Opening mode. See the built-in :func:`open` function for more details. fformat : {None, 'gz', 'bz2', 'xz', 'lzma', 'uncompressed'}, \ optional Explicitly specify the file format. If ``None``, the file format is guessed from the file name extension if present and otherwise from the file signature. If ``'uncompressed'``, the file is treated as uncompressed file. kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to parse to the function that is used for opening the file. See there for possible arguments and their description. Returns ------- file : file-like object The opened `file <>`__. See Also -------- :func:`open` : Function used to open uncompressed files :func:`` : Function used to open gzip-compressed files :func:`` : Function used to open bzip2-compressed files :func:`` : Function used to open XZ- and LZMA-compressed files Notes ----- When writing and `fformat` is ``None``, the compression algorithm is chosen based on the extension of the given file: * ``'.gz'`` uses gzip compression. * ``'.bz2'`` uses bzip2 compression. * ``'.xz'`` uses XZ/LZMA2 compression. * ``'.lzma'`` uses legacy LZMA compression. * otherwise, no compression is done. When reading and `fformat` is ``None``, the file format is detected from the file name extension if present. If no extension is present or the extension is unknown, the format is detected from the file signature, i.e. the first few bytes of the file also known as "`magic numbers <>`__". References ---------- Inspired by `xopen <>`__ by Marcel Martin, Ruben Vorderman et al. .. _file-like_object: """ fname = os.fspath(fname) signatures = { # "gz": b"\x1f\x8b", # "bz2": b"\x42\x5a\x68", # "xz": b"\xfd\x37\x7a\x58\x5a\x00", # "lzma": b"\x5d\x00", } if fformat not in [None, "uncompressed"] + list(signatures.keys()): raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'fformat': {}".format(fformat)) # Use text mode by default, like the built-in `open` function, also # when opening compressed files. if mode in ("r", "w", "x", "a"): mode += "t" # Detect file format from extension. if fformat is None: for extension in signatures.keys(): if isinstance(fname, bytes): if fname.endswith(b"." + extension.encode()): fformat = extension else: if fname.endswith("." + extension): fformat = extension # Detect file format from file signature. if fformat is None and "w" not in mode and "x" not in mode: max_len = max(len(signature) for signature in signatures.values()) try: with open(fname, "rb") as fh: file_start = except OSError: # File could not be opened. file_start = False if file_start: for extension, signature in signatures.items(): if file_start.startswith(signature): fformat = extension break if fformat == "gz": return, mode, **kwargs) elif fformat == "bz2": return, mode, **kwargs) elif fformat in ("xz", "lzma"): return, mode, **kwargs) elif fformat == "uncompressed" or fformat is None: return open(fname, mode, **kwargs)